Dmg Mori Parts

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On board: More than 20 precision parts made on DMG MORI machines


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Dmg Mori Parts
On board: More than 20 precision parts made on DMG MORI machines

Sailing to the limits of physics

People and materials are pushed to the limit during a regatta like the Vendée Globe. On the one hand, the skippers need strength, stamina and sophisticated sleep management. On top of that, they have to be technically skilled to be able to repair important parts of the yacht themselves in wind and storm. On the other hand, the yachts are constantly exposed to incredible forces – wind, waves and extreme loads are unforgiving when it comes to tearing the material – often with tonnes of force. It is not uncommon for the yachts to move in a way that pushes the limits of physics.

With combined expertise to create a high-end yacht

It’s all the more important to have a strong, reliable boat that can defy these forces. Three central skills came together when building the “DMG MORI Global One”: experience from professional sailors, knowledge from passionate boat builders and expertise from a world-leading machine tool manufacturer.


Dmg Mori Parts List

Multiplast, a French boat builder in the field of high-end yachts, built the IMOCA 60, while the DMG MORI Sailing Team supported the project with all of its experience and expertise. At the same time, DMG MORI produced critical parts and complex components – DMG MORI machines produced over 20 high-precision components which were used in the construction of the IMOCA 60.

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