Internal Links

  1. Internal Links Html
  2. Internal Links Example
  3. Internal Links Sjusd
  4. Internal Links In Wordpress
Internal Links

Boost your internal linking Maximum diversification: With the intelligent placeholder feature, anchor texts can be diversified and the amount of. Automation: You don’t have to link your pages manually every time you create a new post. Once your keywords are. Full control over linking pages. Internal links are references to other sections of the same document. For example, you can have a page of contents in your PDF, where you link each chapter title to the page where it begins. This is something that you can do in many programs, but today I’ll only show you how to do it with InDesign and Word. Internal links also help with Bounce Rate and can keep visitors longer on your site, as they clearly lead them to where to click next for further information. An important reason for the existence of internal links is that they help Google understand your site and can help it decide where to show your post in its search engine results pages.

UPDATE: Now you can use Flipsnack’s online editor to add internal links in your PDF flipbooks or magazines.

We’ve recently presented 4 ways to hyperlink a PDF and now it’s time to talk about internal links in PDFs. Internal links are references to other sections of the same document. For example, you can have a page of contents in your PDF, where you link each chapter title to the page where it begins.

This is something that you can do in many programs, but today I’ll only show you how to do it with InDesign and Word.


InDesign is probably the most used tool, for creating publications such as magazines, catalogs, books and even photo albums.

  1. From the View menu, select Extras and click Show Hyperlinks to open the hyperlink panel.
  2. Select the object or text you want to use as the anchor for the hyperlink
  3. Click New Hyperlink from the hyperlinks panel and select Page from the Link To menu. Type the page you want to link to in the Page section, then select Fixed for the Zoom Setting.
  4. Click OK to finish.


  1. Select the text or item you want to link to.
  2. On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Bookmark and type a name for your bookmark. Click Add.
  3. Select the text or object that you want to display as the hyperlink. Right-click and select Hyperlink on the shortcut menu.
  4. Under Link to, click Place in This Document and in the list, select the bookmark that you want to link to.
    Export your document as PDF. Go to File – Save as – Adobe PDF

Now that you have your PDF with hyperlinks, upload it on Flipsnack and make a beautiful flipbook!

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Two positive effects result of the optimization of an internal meshing: we find the improvement of the user experience, which navigates more easily within your site, as well as a severe blow of boost at the SEO level.
On the other side, creating a good internal linking strategy is essential to check the ways by which users will pass during their visit. A visited page can clock towards other pages in the theme or in the similar subject, so allowing the visitor to complete its information capital by learning more on the subject. It is also an excellent way of increasing its conversion rate: to stay on a site longer allows to win the trust of a potential customer, and it is finally a good way to send visitors and robots towards your deep pages (those who are not directly accessible from the homepage and thus necessarily less visible).
Because it is necessary to keep in mind that if a robot has no way to find a page (if no link, internal or external clocks towards it), this one can be never indexed, and nobody will visit it. Regarding SEO, analyzing internal links of your site is important with the aim to optimize its internal mesh and fix any existing meshing errors. It can also allow to manage the link juice in a strategic way towards certain pages, deep or no to increase their PageRank and boost their referencing.

Internal Links

Analyzing internal links of a site VS semantics

In the continuity of the principle of the optimization one-of-a-kind consisting in optimizing a page on a single keyword to obtain the maximum of effect on the Google positioning, it is necessary to think of binding pages of the same theme between them. Several child-pages can push for example upward a mother-page to the subject including that of each of the children.
The implementation of this strategy leans on the specificity of internal linking between these pages, as well as on the semantic cocoon of each of them, which has to contain similarity at least partial with the mother-page.

The internal link juice

When we talk about link juice, we think at once of the famous backlinks, these supposed external links to bring mounts and marvels to the referencing. Microsoft outlook email for mac update download. Except that external links are not the only ones to influence the link juice, far from there. The internal meshing too contributes to make circulate and to distribute PageRank and profits associated to the links, with the not insignificant advantage that it is moreover customizable as one pleases, which is not the case of external linking.
For PageRank, it is true that it is not too much on the agenda anymore, or at least its last values are too former to be representative. Its value (between 0 and 10) not being public anymore as formerly, the chances are high that Google incorporated new criteria which we do not still know with accuracy. These new more or less secret criteria are naturally the base of its ranking, and it is certain that the internlal linking is one of them.
The notion of link juice is the fact that a page transfers a part of its fame, and its authority to the pages on which it sends back by means of backlinks. Watch out, the fame is not lost, it is simply duplicated in a reduced way and taken place in fortunate bound pages, that it is internal or external page.
Thus the analysis of its internal links has to allow to organize at best the internal linking of a site to favor important pages while helping deep pages to be found. Very often, it is the main page of the site which has the most important authority, because external backlinks sends back generally towards it. Thus a good internal meshing also serves to distribute effectively link juice of the homepage towards internal pages chosen in a strategic way.

Types of internal links


Internal links can be two different types:
-Structural: it is an internal link which is situated in the structural elements of the page, as the menus, the footer … They are situated out of context and thus do not depend (necessarily) on a precise theme.
-Contextual: this type of link is place in the text of the page, in the title or in the sentence. This kind of internal link is above all informative and ideally has to manage the visitor towards a page of the same theme with the aim of perfecting or completing the information given in the previous page.
What it is necessary to hold, it is to respect always the theme of the bound pages. It gets the double advantage to supply to the Internet users of the additional information on YOUR site and not at a competitor, and it strengthens your referencing on your key pages.

Choosing internal anchors

In the SEO world, the term anchors indicate the text associated with a link. It is an element important for search engines, which must be used with precaution because if it can allow of effectively boost its positioning on Google, he can also have the spring back if he is badly made. Because it is easier to manage its internal anchors contents rather than its backlinks ones, find the compromise between generic words and keywords on optimized to reach to a natural optimization which will propel your site at the very top of the SERP.
The interest to carefully choose its internal anchors is the following one:
-It indicates better to the visitors the contents and the theme of the page which will open if they click the link
-It allows Google to understand better the contents and the theme of your pages. He is thus sensible to place some keywords from time to time in your anchors.
Optimizing internal anchors should not be confused on the other hand to fill internal anchors with keywords! A page which receives 50 internal links on the same anchor (except structural links) will not seem more relevant in the eyes of Google on this anchor. It can even have the spring back and send a low-quality signal in the eyes of search engines.